Diary of a Vampire
Diary of a Vampire
layout by 

soulkarma Diary of a Vampire

2004-05-27 - 8:33 p.m.

Role Play 101

Please tell me you are not serious. Please tell me that you are just playing a game. PLEASE! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THE IS HOLY OR NOT HOLY, TELL ME YOU ARE JUST PLAYING A GAME !

Vampires are real. No, don't argue with me. It is the truth. As I have said before, we are not the creatures of the night that you see in the movies. We don't have elongated fangs, nor do we change into bats and go flying. We work normal jobs, we have families, we even have to deal with sickness. We have a disease. We suffer from a condition that no one is willing to admit exists. We lack energy.

The basic unit of life is energy, energy that is created through the processing of sugars, proteins and fats as the body synthesizes them into a fuel that we use to live. There are those of us out there who suffer from various medical conditions that prevent the proper use of these energies. Diabetics have an inability to either synthesize or utilize the sugars as an example. Because of this, they have an energy deficiency.

But, there are others that have difficulty obtaining energy from ANY of these sources. They eat to excess, yet are tired. Some tend to stop eating and become gaunt and listless. Some turn to drugs to cause their systems to go into a form of hyperactivity in which they obtain energy as the body feeds upon itself. What these poor unfortunate souls suffer from is the worst form of energy depletion. Some are destined for an early grave. But, there are a few whose bodies adapt. Unconsciously, at first, they begin to siphon energy from the world around them. Plants, animals, people, they ALL become a source for this energy. In this beginning stage the afflicted person is an energy sponge. The energy is raw, it is weak, and it is hard to process. It leaves them in a weakened state but does allow them to function on a basic level. As the strength of the �sponge� grows, they start selectively pulling complimentary energies. Whether from animals or people, they begin to tie into this energy and develop an ability to process it more efficiently. Eventually, SOME of those with this affliction come to understand what is going on. They come to grips with this disease and learn to control it. They learn various techniques to tap into this energy WILLFULLY and to siphon it in its most pure form. These are the vampires.

By definition a vampire is one who is undead. This is why, many times, you see the word �Vampyre� used instead. The people who are afflicted with this disease, prefer to use this to separate themselves from the definition that is based upon myths and legends. But, in regards to the wonderful acceptance that society has for anything they do not understand, to have someone say that they are a vampyre immediately causes ridicule and consternation. We, the ones whom are Vampyres, are people, like you and your family, that suffer from an affliction that at times even WE do not understand.

We are not playing a game. We are not role-playing. We are coming to grips with a reality that no one can help us with. No doctor can assist us. No family members can understand. Even those that are affected by the sapping of their energies by a vampyre that they are close to are normally in complete denial with regards to what is going on around them.

Yet, with all of these problems, we have one that is even LARGER. THE GOD DAMN FUCKING ROLE PLAYERS!

Yes, those gothic vampire wannabes who wear dark clothing, perform fake blood rituals and go around calling themselves Lord Tepis or Count Blood.

You know what? Take your $20 fake teeth out of your mouth, wrap those pale lips around my cock and start sucking. You goddam child. You are taking my disease and ridiculing it. You are playing a fucking fantasy game and turning my condition into a joke. All I want is to spend a few hours with you. Just a few QUIET hours, in a nice comfortable room, a dark and comfortable room. I want to slowly siphon your energy. No, I will not play blood games. Yes, there are those of my kind out there who do. But they just find it an easier way to obtain the energy. It�s the difference between people who take drugs and those that inject them. Thankfully, I do not NEED to ingest in order to feed. But, you, you little fuck, I will drain you until there is nothing left to drain. I will open up the flow from your soul into mine and take every bit of energy you have. And I will keep on taking it. I will not stop.

You laugh at me. You think I play a game. And after I am done, you will walk away laughing because you think you are immune. While I sit there processing the last vestiges of your energy, you will walk away with a smile on your face. You will think you were right and that I deserve to be laughed at.

That is, until much, much later.

After several nights of restless and broken sleep, after days of listlessness and general sickness, you will literally start to fall apart emotionally. Given time, given opportunity, I can continue my draw upon you. Eventually, your life will fall into a general hell. And I will be the cause of it. You will finally know that my game is NOT a game.

So, Mr. Tepes, Count, or whatever you decide to call yourself, please do my kind a favor. Please STOP your games. Confess your sins and admit you only play games. Disappear into the woodwork and allow us to live in peace as we try to figure out what is wrong with us.

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