Diary of a Vampire
Diary of a Vampire
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soulkarma Diary of a Vampire

2004-05-22 - 4:19 p.m.

Call me Super Vampyre

Someone laughed at me recently when I told them I was a vampire.

It was rather upsetting. If only for the fact that this same person was quite upset when they learned several years ago that I had developed diabetes.

It is strange how ONE malady to affect a person is serious and another is a joke. Maybe I just should have told her I had developed menangitis.

Now I know that many people may not understand how an immortal being who has amazing powers of regeneration can suffer from sicknesses. I can understand how many would think that a vampire would be the picture of health in this world we live in. But, vampirism in and of itself IS a disease. One of the key factors of the life of a vampire is that they process life energy better than they do food energy. A high percentage of those like myself suffer from chronic indegestion (gastritis), inability to process simple and complex sugars (type II diabetes), and reactions from over production or imflamation of the organs that create the digestive compounds (pancreatitis, etc). I unfortunately suffer from all three. On top of this, because of my low energy levels, I tend to eat more than my fair share of food and keep a higher body weight than most. I am a walking wreck.

Vampirism is not a good thing. When I tried to explain this, she would not open to the fact that I was NOT trying to explain that I am powerful or otherworldly. I am not the undead, nor am I some creature of darkness that is going to flip out and slaughter things. (Only NINJAS do that.) Rather, I am a sick person. I have a disease.

I have seen in many places, people talking about the wonders of being a vampire. I have seen people extoll the fact that they are more than human. They talk in derogatory terms when they reference those that do not suffer from our condition and it makes me wonder why. I have also seen many people lament the fact that they are NOT vampires, and that they wish they were. I have ALSO seen many people CLAIM to be vampires that are only claiming thus so they can wear dark clothing and role play the life of a monster.

Why? Why are these people so fucked up in the head? DO they think that vampirism is a fun thing? DO they think that by being a vampire you are lifted above everyone else?

Let me pass along a few things that most people don't know about vampires.

1) We have to work in order to have a roof over our heads
2) We have to pay taxes.
3) We have to have Health Insurance.
4) We get sick and can die if not seen by a professional doctor
5) We have families, kids, friends
6) People think we are crazy or melodromatic
7) We have trouble functioning during the day when most good paying jobs are scheduled.
8) We have to eat even though it makes us sick and we process very little of it.

In other words, we suffer from all of the day to day problems that every other person in this world does. But on top of this, we also have to worry about our vampirism. When our energies are low, we have to find a source to obtain it. Especially in the case of Sang or Blood vampires, this can cause some legal issues unless the donor is agreeable to the act. There is not a reliable source yet developed to find donors like this and I highly doubt placing an add in the paper would give the results we are looking for.

WANTED - Blood and Psy donors to provide energy for local vampires. Must be clean, non-smokers who are disease free. Side effects of being a donor include blood loss, shortness of breath and general loss of vitality. Please, only serious inquiries. (Must provide most recent physical from established physician)

Maybe if we offered $$$ rewards.

Now, as our energy levels deplete, we become desperate. Try not eating for a week and imagine what you would do in order to get ahold of a cheeseburger. I bet you would get quite drastic in your actions. Much the same can happen to us. But in the eyes of society we have no reason behind our actions. So our hunger grows, our moods darken and we become very ill tempered. Don't piss off a hungry vampire. It's a good rule to live by.

Yes, there are benefits in our lives. When our energy levels are high enough, we do have access to things that most people don't. Some have an ability to tap into magic. Others may develop physical characteristics that are beyond the scope of normal humas. Some can even delve into the world of psychic energies and in some ways effect it. I, personally, exibit two benefits. I have an increase in my strength levels that allow me to lift weights that my body normally can't handle AND I have discovered over the years that I am a powerful empath.

Empathy is nothing more than being able to sense or see a person's mood. I can read a person's emotions as easily as I read the newspaper. But I can also affect the way they act as well. I can take a red emotion like anger and calm it to a nice pretty blue. Or I can increase it til it is flaming red with streaks of yellow and orange, blazing like a bonfire. But is it worth it? Is the suffering I have to go through worth the added benefit of these two things.

I remember years ago reading a series of books about a rare gene that suddenly implanted itself into our species. It circulated through mankind and for many people did nothing, but in some, it created wonderful, super-powers. Some people could fly, others developed telekenisis, still others were impervious to harm, etc. But where some people gained wonderful powers that helped them change society, others were not so lucky. One person gained the ability to change the color of his urine at will....

Ok, like THAT is ever going to be useful. So here we take this crap useless power, but because he DOES have the gene, he is still considered a Superhero. Now let's take this poor shmoe and on top of his wonderful abilities he gains a detrimental power as well. Whenever he changes the color of his urine, he tosses his cookies and passes out for three hours. Is he still considred a superhero? Unfortunately, because of the description, yes. Even though he is a loser, he is a SuperHero Loser....

Welcome to my world. The world of the vampires.

Where the only thing missing is colored urine.

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